Tuesday, April 19, 2016

2016-04-17 -in Big Majors (Pirate Beach)

First, we went on a snorkelling trip to thunder ball grotto.  After, we moved the boat over to Big Majors anchorage. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at Pirate Beach! Later on all of the cruiser friends came to the beach with snacks and played a version of bean bag horse shoes.  Dylan (who was almost ready to go back to the boat) was thrilled to watch the tournament!   

Fishing update:  we met a lovely couple who are retired and live on their boat year round.  she is an avid fisher.  She told us we need to buy frozen ballyhoo all rigged up with a hook.  They are about 7 dollars each but they are a sure fire way to catch these big guys.  Also we need a gaff... Going into town tomorrow. 

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