Fish on! Fish on! Fish on! ... We said these words several times on our journey to Staniel but, at the end of the day, I was buying two cans of tuna at the Pink Pearl Store. Why? Each fish, bigger than we have seen so far, got off the line, took our lures, and kept on swimming. A few of them we didn't even get close to the boat. One zinged our line out so fast, we thought it may be a large tuna or even a bull Mahi. This one never let up and broke our line before we had a chance. The last was the most upsetting. It was a very large bull Mahi. We played it for some time, each time drawing it closer to the boat. Connor and Kerry did most of the work on this one. With Connor on the reel and Kerry on the back step with our big net, we finally got him into the net. (We realize netting a fish this large is very difficult, but this is all we have...apparently a gaff is what we need for these big boys) But, with a last burst of energy the fish leapt into the water and swam away. Needless to say all fishers on the boat took a long while to get over this.
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