Wednesday, April 20, 2016

2016-04-20 - in Big Majors (Pirate Beach)

Connor woke up early and got straight into his school work.  He has been working really independently  which helps us all and he feels good about directing his learning.  We had a great discussion on tides as we are learning about the interactions of the sun, moon, and Earth for science.  We made models to help us understand Neap and Spring Tides.  Tides are ripping through the cut beside us during each tide cycle.  We were excited to jump back in and do another drift dive.  By late afternoon, we were in the dinghy and made about 4 runs on the cut.  It is absolutely exhilarating jumping in and letting the current take you as you experience whatever sea life is below.  Today we saw lots of great animals...eagle Ray, sea turtle, etc. Connor especially loves to dive to the middle of the water column and 'fly' through the water. (In the pic below he was about 15 feet below the surface with 15 more feet under him)

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