Wednesday, April 13, 2016

2016-04-13 - to Little Farmers Cay

Today our luck turned around as we sailed on the ocean side to Little Farmers Cay.  We caught a 3-5 foot bull Mahi. An hour after the line 'zinged' once more.  We had, on the line, a much larger bull.  After a long fight (with leaping in the air) the line sadly broke and our fish got free.  It gave a couple of giant leaps in the air as it swam away.  Amazing!
Later on, we hung out with some sharks behind our boat as they enjoyed our Mahi as well.  

Sadly, this is our last night with Singing Frogs.  They are heading back to Georgetown where they will make their way to the Caribbean once the winds are good.  It was great to spend these few days with them.  

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