Wednesday, January 20, 2016

2016-01-19 - in Staniel Cay, Exumas

We had a fun morning with our new friends who we met yesterday.  They arrived on land at 8am.  Kerry picked them up and, once aboard, we motored over to see the swimming pigs.  We anchored as close as we could to the beach and launched the dinghy with a bucket of corn tortilla shells for the four-legged inhabitants.  At first, there were only a few pigs on the beach and didn't seem interested.  But suddenly, they must have sensed food causing a little bit of a beach stampede.  They are quite big and, interestingly, there were a few goats and several chickens added to this tropical 'petting zoo'.  Connor had the bag of food causing them to pay a little more attention to him.   Once we visited the pigs we upanchored and headed back to the Staniel area to check out Thunderball Grotto.  We were timing slack and low tide so that we all could pass through the entrance way.  It is a beautiful snorkle once inside the Grotto.  Several large queen angelfish were mesmerizing to watch - so colourful and majestic. Once the current started to pick up again...we headed back to the boat and said goodbye to our guests.  The rest of the day was picking up propane, school, and reanchoring.  The night before the boat was jerking back and forth with the wind and current.  We ended up back at pig beach where we had a more relaxed sleep.

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