Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016-01-14 - in Warderick Wells, Exumas

Today was cloudy and stormy.  Connor and Kerry took the dinghy for a ride south of the anchorage to Emerald Rock and the beaches nearby, and took a short hike on the island.  There are lots of palm trees, here, but they are not over 15 feet tall, probably due to the lack of soil.  There is virtually no top soil.  Only a bit of sand covers portions of the jagged lime type of rock.  Connor still managed to get out to the sand bar that surrounds the boat to hang out building in the sand.  There was a large sting ray hanging out on the sand bar as Connor approached.  Startled by Connor, it zipped off into the deeper water.  It's fascinating to have creatures such as this hanging out in our 'backyard'.

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